My sense is that used prices are usually disappointing to the seller of DIY kit.
This even seems to be true for well known kits with professional box work, such as those from North Creek/Lee Taylor and Selah. My sense is that these sell for less than comparable commercial pieces. For true "home brew" builds, I think the situation is even worse.
Of course, this may be very good news for the right buyer!
My hunch would be to try selling them for cost of parts. You might come pretty close to that, if the boxes are nice.
I'd also try at Audio Circle, which is more DIY friendly and has free ads. Some builders over their have established a reputation, and may get better prices.
Good luck,
This even seems to be true for well known kits with professional box work, such as those from North Creek/Lee Taylor and Selah. My sense is that these sell for less than comparable commercial pieces. For true "home brew" builds, I think the situation is even worse.
Of course, this may be very good news for the right buyer!
My hunch would be to try selling them for cost of parts. You might come pretty close to that, if the boxes are nice.
I'd also try at Audio Circle, which is more DIY friendly and has free ads. Some builders over their have established a reputation, and may get better prices.
Good luck,