J'ai un DENAFRIP TERMINATOR 1. Certains de mes amis ont remplacé leurs dacs de très haute qualité entre 5 000 $ US et 20 000 $ US et ils trouvent le DIABLO meilleur. Qu'est-ce que tu penses?



I have a DENAFRIP TERMINATOR 1. Some of my friends have
replaced their very high quality dacs between US$5,000 and
US$20,000 and they find the DIABLO better. What do you think?

I have Diablo, it really sounds great like $8k Headphone amp. and it sound even better with 4.4 balanced line out to my cheap $150 tube amp, it makes my cheap tube amp become expensive sound. will send to my friends there try compare their R2R DAC vs Diablo on loud speaker. whether can blown their mine with this red devil. 😏

In his comparative review video Goldensound says the ifi iDSD Signature sounds better than the Diablo. And it costs less.

The audio marketplace is littered with products that made a strong first impression and got great reviews but which, upon long term listening, were soon up for sale on Audiogon, ebay and similar places.