Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage.

Need some help deciding which preamplifier to purchase. I am looking at hagerman audio trumpet and I have a great offer to buy musical fidelity m6x vinyl that is the same price of the hagerman trumpet.

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Bliss, I wasn’t sure of your meaning. Your statement could have been taken either as a characteristic of the Trumpet or as a blanket characteristic of tube phono stages. Thank you for the clarification.

"The Hagerman Trumpet will provide the classic tube amp sound which is known to be colored and slightly rounded on top."


@yogiboy Again, "classic" is exactly what I meant. There are "classic" tube stage sounds and what Lew characterizes as "modern" stage sounds. "Classic" was NOT intended to pigeon-hole all tube stages to be colored and slightly rounded on top. This statement was specifically to classify the Hagerman.