Has anyone had on of these CD players? How good are they?

Are the older Sony CD players very good? Even as just a transport paired with a good/great DAC?


Your thoughts?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

How much is it @2psyop ?
If it is cheap enough and sounds OK, then just take a dive.

I have not spotted an older Sony like these but with the magnetic drives, balanced outputs, tremendous parts...it seems like Sony put alot of effort into building a very high quality and well engineered player at the height of the CD era. If I could snag a really good x707es I might just get it and try it with a top notch DAC. BTW I have an older REGA Apollo CD player and it has a really decent sound and transport as well. It has a buffer for storage of data, that helps with the digital signal coming out correct and thus the sound as well.

I use my old Sony BlueRay player as a transport to Hegel 590 integrated and Wilson Sasha DAW. They sound amazing. Clarity and sound stage much better than Amazon HD service Through BlueSound Node. 

so long as the lasers are working, the upper sony es models of the day were really excellent sounding, very musical and balanced never harsh



those are fine CD players. Keep me posted on which one you decide to purchase.


Happy Listening!