No, my statement is absolutely correct @atmasphere . Read my words carefully. "MAINLY" comes from a non-flat frequency response. That is especially true of most tube amplifiers such as the high output impedance of your own OTL amplifiers. The interaction of that output impedance with a speakers impedance will totally dominate any potential distortion profile your amps may have. Ditto for things like D’Agostino amplifiers. The effect is pronounced because the largest change in speaker impedance curves occurs where the equal loudness lines for the Fletcher Munson curves are close. Most amps have their lowest distortion here and hence not affected.
Tube amps due to typically low feedback would be expected to have mainly compressive distortion which tends to reduce perceived volume, however as we know, even the ability to detect low volumes of distortion, is not great so having much impact to coloration of the tone is questionable and certainly not exceeding the effects of impedance on frequency response in real world implementations. Contrary to your technically correct comment I have seen you make about feedback levels and high frequency THD, I don’t think you have a lot of evidence to support it based on a multitude of full bandwidth distortion measurements by the likes of Stereophile and ASR showing most amplifiers, "no feedback" or otherwise having low distortion out to 20KHz, even going back some time on Stereophile. You have made claims of very low distortion being audible in other posts, but I can find no evidence provided to support those claims. I am quite certain there is no evidence to support a claim of tonal differences based on these very low distortion levels out to 20KHz. The compressive/expansive effects of distortion in audio electronics would pale compared to what happens intentionally or unintentionally in the recording process (and speakers at reasonable levels).
Keep in mind I am not discounting that distortion can impact perceived tonality, and the nature of the distortion, compressive or expansive will impact that change in perception. I am saying that at the practical levels of distortion, unless the amplifier is very high in distortion, the impact will be significant less than impedance effects and between a lot of amplifiers the distortion is low enough that it will have 0 impact on tonality.