I've just installed Empire EDR9 cartridge on my Jelco SA-750E 10 inch tonearm, and connected it to my Lehmann Audio Decade phono preamp. The sound I got from this cartridge is shockingly bad. Dull, wimpy, limp, barely any highs or any slam or body.
I have set my Lehmann Audio Decade phono to work beautifully with my modded Denon DL-103 cartridge. I was curious to hear how would Empire EDR9 compare to DL-103, but it sounds so ridiculously bad, that it's not really worth comparing.
My Lehmann Decade is set to 100 ohms (seems to work fine for DL-103). I haven't touched the capacitance.
What am I doing wrong? I can't believe that Empire EDR9, which has a pretty hot reputation in audio circles, would sound so horrible.
I already explained this to you over on Vinyl Engine!!! What?? You can’t read??? I even posted the settings you need to use!! So now you post in here the same damn question????
36 dB gain, 100 pF, 47k ohm. This is SO NOT HARD!!!