Paypal...buyer protection fees didnt help me

   I had a previous post about buying with PayPal so i'm piggybacking off that one.I found an integrated amp on U.S.A.M. for a decent price,the seller wanted me to pay PayPal / friends and family but because it was over 6k I went ahead and pay the fees (approx $200.00 and change) thinking it was worth the extra money  for buyer protection.The shipping was $300 from the east coast to the mid west and took 6 days i believe.The crate was over 100 pounds,it came on Monday and it took me until Sunday to get a buddy to help me get it up a flight of stairs,out of the crate and on a dedicated stand..i'm in my 60s and retired.The amp had distortion on one channel,we both heard it,I swapped cables on speakers and same result coming now on the opposite side...but to make sure before I started screaming the sky is falling I borrowed other gear and went through the testing...this all took another week....After i did my due diligence I contacted the seller and told him i wanted my money back which fell on deaf ears so i filed a case with PayPal...I was told by PP that i needed get verification of my complaint in writing from a legit source and submit this info within 10 days.I called 2 audio stores in the mid-west and was told that they did'nt have nor could they verify on gear they don't sell.  I needed to send it to manufacture who's on the west coast,so i called the manufacture..approx 7 days to get it to them at a cost of a few hundred in shipping ,the down time could be anywhere from a few days to weeks depending on back log..and then cost and time to get it back not repaired as i'm just looking for them to tell me its messed up in writing for these clowns at PP..I called PP and told them the 7 to 10 days i was given to get this all done was insane,forgetting the cost involved..I mean it took me a week to get it upstairs and unpacked with help......So I was denied my claim and will have to deal with getting this going again.I informed PayPal that i will never pay their fees again because the buyer protection i thought i had did'nt really exist,the burden of proof was on my shoulders to show them that what i got which was described as mint was'nt...Maybe its their new policy because the company's stocks are in the crap hole and the share holders need paid,who knows but they wont get my money again.I think ill buy new from a USA dealer........


Maybe so ,maybe not.....but I had no help until the weekend came.I filed within a window that should not have been an issue.An almost 7 grand amp should work correctly and it didnt.If this had been bought on Ebay there would have been no questions asked...send it back and get a refund.PayPal sucks in my opinion,the buyer protection sure didn't help me.

Two questions were already asked but not answered. Who was the seller, and how did you pay, as you may be able to get a refund through them.

Sorry for your terrible experience.

The transaction was not on this site so pointing fingers is not necessary here..I will file the appropriate feedback on USAM..I paid through PayPal which is attached to my bank account.

Thanks, but it would have been useful to know who the offender was, but maybe now isn't the right time.

I would think the party to determine whether the unit was defective would be a repair technician.