Lumin X1 or dCS Bartok

Both of these beasts look like they could be that “forever purchase”. These are basically the newest offerings from both well respected companies and are within spitting distance of each other price wise  (without the Bartok headphone option installed). Anybody heard both and able to comment?

@djek -- I can tell you the X-1 that I used to own was extremely close to my Lampizator Pacific in SQ.  

The lumin x1 that is owned by me, was purchased because of its internal dac and streamer under one roof.  I own separate dacs and found x1 to be better and may be due to internal wiring that works better than dealing with all the separate interconnects and dacs to clutter up sound path.

Nobody enjoys dealing with inserting the variety of dacs offered. Separates have their place in a high end system but the dac I found makes sense to integrate within the streamer box and lumin does it exceptionally well. It even makes poorly recorded Great classical Rock music from the 70s sound really good and that's a huge deal.

My system also has a nucleus to host Roon and I wonder if I can do better here. Any ideas? I like the nucleus but it's a computer offering lots of noise



That is quite inconvenient for me. Yes, I want max fidelity. But, my wife will some time use her tv to listen to music and there is no connection for that.