Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

Mikel/2channeljunkie...if the above is true, shame on you! That's not right. I know I get very excited to listen to new things, but you should always complete a transaction.

Just think of how Ttuesley must feel with new toys, but no batteries...
I own both Dunlavy Alethas which I believe use the same drivers and crossover as the SC-IV (1 woofer per speaker versus 2 in the SC-IV) but in a more wife friendly enclosure, and Vandersteen 2s. The Vandys used to be my main music speakers but since acquiring the Alethas, the Vandys have been relegated to a basement home theater. Don't get me wrong, the Vandys are excellent speakers but are no match for the accuracy, liveliness and dynamics of the Alethas. That being said, I believe the two do indeed have a similar sound. They both have first order crossovers, phase and time alignment so perhaps that's why. I found the low end of the Vandersteens to be somewhat looser and boomier than the Dunlavys giving some the impression that the Vandys have "better" bass. In my opinion that's a result of the Vandys passive radiator. I've never heard a speaker with a passive radiator that doesn't blur the sound some.

In my room, the response of the Alethas is pretty flat till it starts to roll off at about 35 Hz being about 11 db down at 20 Hz. Just recently I purchased 2 REL Strata III subs to go with the Dunlavys and now the response is pretty much ruler flat to 20Hz. I couldn't be happier and can't say enough good things about the RELs, how we'll they blend with the Alethas etc. but I suppose that's a topic for a different post.

I will second the opinions that the Dunlavys need a big room in order to blend the drivers and offer a massive soundstage. Mine are in a big room, placed on the long wall about 17 ft apart. My listening position is about 15 ft from the midpoint of the speakers. I don't find them particularly difficult to position. They are about 3 ft away from the side walls and about 1 ft from the rear wall. The Vandys however, got real boomy when close to the back wall, again I presume because of the rear facing passive radiator.

I think you'll be real pleased with the transition from Vandys to Dunlavy. Keep us posted.
Back in town. My Grand father passed and I was in charge of his final wishes and will. Ttuesley I asked my son to drop off the stands for shipping prior to leaving town how ever like all teen agers he conveniently forgot as i found them in the back of my truck when he picked me up from the airport. I understand your Frustration and apologize for any inconvenience that I caused you. The stands will be there tomorrow according to UPS tracking number 1Z596Y970369535564
Spent more time with the Dunlavy's and must say im loving them more with each listening session. My associated gear is Theata basic transport with a
Analog Research Segue DAC old yes but the pair makes beautiful music. For amps im running Electron Kinetics Eagle 400 monoblocks. Ive thought about getting new amps but anything I've herd in my price range dosent come close to the Eagles and the amps that have beat them was very marginal and didnt justify the dollar spend.
I want to follow up my previous post on this thread. Mikel shipped the stands, and I am very happy with our transaction. Had I known the situation, I would have never posted my gripe on his thread. Thank you Mikel, for completing our transaction like a gentleman.

I have a small business and these speakers are always pumping in the background. I am sure that your Dunlavy's are better overall, but these guys work perfectly in my environment. All the best to you !