SME V Tonearm on eBay Hong Kong Sellers are FAKE!!!

These scumbags have been selling these for a while now. It comes from multiple accounts originating out of Hong Kong. They sell on average two SME V tonearms a month, at $1400-$2200, auction style. Fellow audiophiles, please stop buying these. They are 100% fake. They are cheap hideous copies.

Report and do not buy from sellers: mandy-930 and makiyo2008
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I recently learned the Chinese word 'wumao'. It would seem to apply to a poster in this thread...

The biggest problem, besides from the fact that it’s a fake/replica/made of discarded original parts, is that the fit of the arm rest on the bearing column is subpar, and the arm rest will come loose, twist and pinch off the anti skate spring, rendering the tonearm useless. 

In other words you could have bought a Rega RB330 tonearm for under $700 and saved yourself a lot of time and money - and got better sound.

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If you’re looking for SME tonearms, try Alfred Kayser at

Alfred apparently stocked up when SME announced they would no longer be selling their tonearms separately. I picked up a new in box M2-9-R for my Gyrodec. He also will re-wire and upgrade bearings for the tonearms he sells. 
I enjoyed doing business with Alfred and am very pleased with the M2-9-R.