Rotel vs NAD vs Marantz

In general, speaking strictly about bass extension, slam, & punch, which of the 3 brands produce CD players that deliver this the most? Which ones have a reputation for delivering this the best? My opinion is that of the 3, Rotel is probably the one which produces this the LEAST. They seem to have a more clinical sound better suited for classical music or straight ahead jazz. What do you all think? I've read reviews of Rotel CD players where some folks stated not to buy one if you're playing rock N roll.
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Based on my experiences all three players: Rotel, NAD, and Marantz are not known for their bass extension, slam, & punch. If you seek these qualities, I suggest looking into Cary, Krell, and Esoteric to start off. These players are known for their bass extension, slam, & punch. At least that's what I heard when I auditioned them and from reading reviews.

Good luck.