Cwlondon-I have had similar problems using M2Tech EVO
Converter with Windows 7 System. Installed M2Tech Driver,
with Converter. Couldn't get any Digital Signal to DAC via
USB to Converter. Went to Devices and Printers, could see
M2Tech EVO listed as attached Sound Device. Right click this, and ended up with about four different SPDIF Outputs.
What the Hell, set one of them as default, then finally
started recieving AES/EBU Digital Signal Output from EVO.
Can anyone explain to me what just happened? Aren't there
Instructions for something like this? Certainly not covered
in the M2Tech installation Manual! In fact, M2Tech
installation Windows 7 Software/Driver doesn't even match
step by step instructions in M2Tech Manual! PC Manufacturers have just got to do better than having
Customers flip coins for installation instructions. Is the Blind leading the Blind an acceptable Standard for PC Audio? Part of the confusion is that PC Manufacturers call
a PC Plastic Fiber Output as "Optical SPDIF". Audiophiles
for Decades have called it the dreaded "Toslink". A Rose by
any other Name......! Who are they kidding?
Converter with Windows 7 System. Installed M2Tech Driver,
with Converter. Couldn't get any Digital Signal to DAC via
USB to Converter. Went to Devices and Printers, could see
M2Tech EVO listed as attached Sound Device. Right click this, and ended up with about four different SPDIF Outputs.
What the Hell, set one of them as default, then finally
started recieving AES/EBU Digital Signal Output from EVO.
Can anyone explain to me what just happened? Aren't there
Instructions for something like this? Certainly not covered
in the M2Tech installation Manual! In fact, M2Tech
installation Windows 7 Software/Driver doesn't even match
step by step instructions in M2Tech Manual! PC Manufacturers have just got to do better than having
Customers flip coins for installation instructions. Is the Blind leading the Blind an acceptable Standard for PC Audio? Part of the confusion is that PC Manufacturers call
a PC Plastic Fiber Output as "Optical SPDIF". Audiophiles
for Decades have called it the dreaded "Toslink". A Rose by
any other Name......! Who are they kidding?