Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
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I hope this is an ok place to ask this question.  I'm looking to replace my current DAC which is a SMSL DO200 and move that to my PC for headphone use.  I was looking at the Chord Qutest and the Denafrips Ares II or Pontus II.  I can get the Chord used for around 1k so it's in the ball park of the other two.  

I do like a detailed sound but I don't like a bright sound so I'm leaning towards the Denafrips offerings but the Chord is supposed to be very good so I dunno.  I'm a bit at a loss of what to do.

@tubeguy76 cant talk about Denafrips, never had a chance to listen, but had and enjoyed very much a Chord Qutest. It has a natural tone, is detailed and sweet. You can also select different filters that alter the sound. The orange filter mellows the highs nicely if that’s what you’re after. One drawback with the Qutest is the soundstage is somewhat on a smaller side. That’s a compromise. Other than that it’s a really good DAC. 

@tubeguy76 cant talk about Denafrips, never had a chance to listen, but had and enjoyed very much a Chord Qutest. It has a natural tone, is detailed and sweet. You can also select different filters that alter the sound. The orange filter mellows the highs nicely if that’s what you’re after. One drawback with the Qutest is the soundstage is somewhat on a smaller side. That’s a compromise. Other than that it’s a really good DAC. 


Thanks for the thoughts, it sounds like the Qutest might be one I could enjoy for a long time.  I wish I could try all of these out before buying.

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