you are twisting my words to attempt to win an argument. Clearly I said your OTL amplifier cannot be neutral compared to a high damping factor amplifier. You have said nothing that disproves that.
I'm not twisting your words, simply pointing out that without direct experience you simply are not in a position to know the truth of the matter; i.e. you are wrong. Not a judgement or anything, just didn't get the 'facts' right is all (and still abundantly clear you didn't read the article at the link I provided).
The reason the two amps sound similar is the distortion spectra is very similar (although fir entirely different reasons). The reason the class D sounds a bit more transparent is the distortion is quite a bit lower. You have to listen closely for the difference; the easiest way to hear it is that the class D is a bit better at bringing out detail in the rear of the soundstage (distortion obscures detail so this is no surprise). I'm by no means the only one to say this; our customers that have had both amps in front of them say the same thing.
To be clear there are many speakers were this won't be the case! But I didn't stay in business nearly 50 years selling amps to people when I knew they wouldn't work. That leaves a lot of speakers out there on which our OTLs are quite neutral. I refer you to reviews, as there are quite a lot of them...
Does it sound loud. Of course it does, even if the distortion is low,
A lot depends on what is meant by 'low'. In the case of whatever you were thinking of, apparently not low enough. When its a system you of course can't ascribe the 'loudness' being caused by the amps or speakers, but its pretty safe to say that in a proaudio situation where sound pressure is favored over fidelity, its going to sound loud.
I can't help you with not getting the point of my comment about loudness; FWIW a lot of people reading this thread will get it.