Using battery power to go off the City's power grid

I'm using a Bluetti AC200MAX 2,200 watt expandable power station to take my system off the city's power grid.  It runs off a lithium ion phosphate battery with a 4,800 watt pure sine wave inverter. My total system only takes about 450 watts so I have never heard the fan kick on - it is totally silent. The music comes from a completely black background, with a huge soundstage that sounds very natural. I know that Ric Schultz has talked about these types of setups and there is a very expensive Stromtank battery system that is marketed to audiophiles. Anyone else tried this type of setup in their audio system?

Here is a link to a review:



What you think of as an "attack" is simply holding the mirror up to you.

You reported that you heard no difference between the powerwall and the wall AC......and you also stated that all inverters sound the same. Anotherwords, you have contributed nothing. How does what you say help anyone get better sound? I have also listened to an inverter.......I am using a Goal Zero Yeti 400 on my system right now and it improves the sound......but since my friend had a Goal Zero and then went to the better sounding Ecoflo Pro and then to the way, way, way better sounding Giandel system.....I know my Goal Zero is yesterdays paper.

What really matters is when others try the Giandel system and report back.....Nothing you or I SAY can improve the sound of someones stereo......but what I shared might certainly lead to that, if someone trys it. What do you recommend for better sounding AC? Nothing? It is all perfect?

When you say "help others to understand how audio works".......this is all in context to your belief that it is nothing but measurements are meaningful. What really matters is how something sounds. Can you help them get better sound? Or just tell them how it works.....according to your belief?

Audio, for me is not about is about BE and LIVE. You experience experiene is not about some opionion of what matters or does not matter.......the ear KNOWS.....the heart KNOWS.......the small brain just thinks it knows......but it really knows nothing of significance, if it is not open to BE and LIVE.......Do you think joy and love and peace and beauty? Yes, thoughts of these can leade to those states.......but really what you want to do is to FEEL joy and love and peace and beauty. Will you let yourself FEEL? As the saying goes......Would you rather be right.....or LOVING? You choose, every second.

I didn't state that all inverters sound the same. I said that the Powerwall with my system has no sound. If you read what I wrote, I have pointed out that inverters are effectively large switch mode power supplies and people are just blindly promoting them without any idea of the noise profile. You, based on your friend, have made a ton of conclusions and promoted the Giandel as "great" when you have no idea of the distortion spectrum, or the noise spectrum and how that will behave with the vast majority of audio electronics out there.  I have pointed out, quite correctly, that pure since wave has no technical advantage in terms of reducing the noise of audio power supplies or improving how they operate. Sine waves are simply what we must live with due to the nature of rotating machinery as our primary power generation methodology. 


You also assume that one must have user reports of a specific inverter to have any meaning. Fortunately, there are engineers that don't have to work under your limitations.

This is what you quote

"No ricevs, all inverters do not sound different unless you have poor equipment. Some people believe that everything sounds different and are more open to suggestion. Other people are more skeptical and realistic. Actually I do know how a Powerwall Inverter sounds. It sounds just like the AC line, which sounds like exactly nothing in my system."

So, what are you doing on this thread if you feel that inverters are worthless and that your wall AC sounds like "nothing"? What is your purpose here?

You assume a lot.  You have a fixed idea how things work.....However, your "point of view" does not help anyone get better sound. You just expound "science" in an effort to feel better about yourself. You are already do not need to "try" to show us how wonderful you are truly loved.....because you are worthy and deserving.....just like everyone else on the planet.

So, who is going to be the second to try the 5000 watt Gaindel system and get back to us?

unless you have poor equipment


Your point of view does not help anyone get better sound, it just gets them to spend money, needlessly based on limited data points, limited knowledge of how audio equipment works, and beliefs about what impacts audio that are not supportable.


all inverters do not sound different


I will emphasize a word here to assist in reading comprehension. ALL. That implies that every single inverter will sound different from every other inverter and that is just not true. With most equipment and most inverters (sine wave of decent quality), they will sound the same because power supplies are designed to reject noise/harmonics on the AC line and if they are designed properly, they will.  Some equipment will have poor power supply rejection and will be more susceptible to power line harmonics. That is a poor design.



Again, you will not answer my question......What are you doing on this thread? What is your mission here? To save us all from spending money on Inverters we do not need? We do not need SAVING......We listen on our own and buy the stuff that WE feel makes our stereo better sounding......

You are looking for drama.....if you went to ASR and started saying all this they would just rool their eyes and say...."Well, of course, we already know all are boring......why don’t you go over to Audiogon where all those subjectivists are and you can really stir the pot there"........and here you are.....just stirring away....every chance you get.