You have got to be kidding me. I own dozens of Original Master Recordings from Mofi including a couple of One Steps, and would be upset if a ridiculous lawsuit caused them to go bankrupt. Whoever is suing them must not be a music lover, because it would lead to less competition and manufacturing of audiophile recordings.
I am not a lawyer (thankfully) but IMHO the only outcome of any lawsuit would be for MOFI to state the source/pressing process of each of their records, which they are now doing. The other damages are impossible to measure, and the only one getting paid would be the lawyers. We know what Bob Cray said about them....
Anyone trying to speculate buying their records and never playing them deserves what they get. For those of us who play them, we get the enjoyment, and if their value goes down as a result of this PR/Marketing blunder, so be it - that's life in the big city. I'm not selling - that will be my kids or wife's loss.