$165k - $200k speaker performance for $40k ?

Large Room (22 x 40 ft) Hypothetical situation:

Magnepan 20.7 ...............$14k
JL Audio F212 ...............$24k (4 subs, $6k each)

Can you get the above speaker and sub combo to approach the sound and performance of the Evolution Acoustics MM7, Magico Q7 or the Genesis 1.2?

Or, you may substitute a pair of the big SoundLabs for the Maggies.

Feel free to substitute any manufacturers subs you wish and and you may use up four subs in your set up.

The ceiling in this room is 20 feet high.

Just Trying to see if you can get statement speaker sound and performance by pairing the big Maggies or big SoundLabs with flagship subs.
Holy cow...your "large room" is bigger than the footprint of my house. I knew that Ivy League degree meant zippo.
It's crazy to think that my recommendations of the Aviors and Q3s as "small" since they weigh about 500 lbs. per pair each, but it is all relative in our hobby isn't it? I still think with good subs they could be compelling even in this space.

However, my first impulse was to suggest a line array but didn't think it could be pulled off for $40k (or, at least not well). The GR Research speakers Vladmir mentions look very interesting (along with Selah and any others who might meet the price point) assuming they have the engineering chops and the company survives for the long haul (not a small consideration). Not sure the drivers and other components are up to the quality of the cost-no-object designs -- probably not. Anyway, I like the line array concept in this application as well.
If you like line arrays, the Gallo 5LSs might be a good way to go. Couple these with some Velodyne DD+ 18" subs (with built in room-correction DSP capability) and I think you'd be 95% of the way to the "statement" speakers...

Do you have crawl space or an attic? You could save yourself $20,000 with infinite baffle subs. Experiment with an equalizer like Behringer Ultra Curve Pro dsp8024
or if you have money burning a hole in your pocket, get a Rives Audio Parc.

The other solution that I personally would look at is Tappe Horns: https://sites.google.com/site/diyfirefly/38-hz-tapped-horns

Find a good local Audio Video set up tech and pay by the hour.
To answer the question in general the answer is yes. I know at least one speaker that will do it - and at $13-15k not $40k:

However that is not the real issue in your situation IMHO - its if you will like them. It doesn't matter how good a speaker is it will not be everyone's cup of tea. For example Willco in the last link I gave doesn't like Majico (neither do I for that matter) - to his ears both the speakers mentioned in the link (ML2 Limited Editions) and the Rockports he owns are way better. Dont worry about if it will be the equal of some uber expensive stuff - listen to stuff to get what you like. Take your time - its not a race.

Forget about trying to equal stuff you have read about - you may not like them anyway. Instead listen to stuff you can afford and pick what you like best. Also some Rockport gear is in your price range - give them a listen - guys whose ears I trust tell me they are uber good. Of course the Limited Editions in my links would be a great speaker for you to hear but unfortunately unless you are out in Aus where I am its highly unlikely you will get the chance.
