Is blasphemous Music ok?



@pedroeb the one we're facing now? 😏

If so, I'm glad to miss the bulk of the show...although I may have to tolerate the prolog...   

Can't put all the blame on the religions this time around, tho'.  We umans have breed some 'variants' in the meanwhile....mostly an awful lot of us.

Saw a little blurb the other night where current human consumption and waste actually requires 1.75 Earths to support that.

If Everyone C&W'd (no pun, noo) like all good 'Mericans, we'd need 5 of them.

'Everyone' wants to live like us....well, kinda.

We're screwed.  By ourselves.

Been nice to chat with y'all.  Hope your version is quick and sudden. ;)

It's better than that that dreadful anti progress country song that featured on a thread recently.

BTW, the idea that that Catholic church banned the tritone is a myth.

Adam Neely has a very good discussion of it here:


Imho...we've more serious issues to cope with....:(

A friend FB'd me a pic and a loop of her drug addicted cat high on a major dose of catnip.

A current event overseas seems to signify a growing problem:

Drugged Animals; Wild Ones:

You Have Been Woke. 

@yoyoyaya ....and lets' take all the other stuff on faith...Right.....😏

You Betcha'. 

'Scuse me, dead friend Zed is ringing me on the Ouija...gotta run. *toodles*

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