CEC TL5 100V power

I see the CEC TL5 CD Transport for sale online but they show a 100 volt power rating. Odd power voltages are new to me. Would I need a different power cord for USA use? Does it then require an AC power converter? So confused...

Just want to play an extensive cd collection, and thought about going one step up from the Audiolab 6000 CDT...


The products on eBay are not real CEC products. They are counterfeit, look-a-like,...  or may be stolen

The real CEC products cost considerably more. There have been fires reported with the use of these products found on eBay. There is no support for these if you bring one into the US. You should also be aware there is a federal law against importing products into the US which are not approved and there are not approved CEC products on eBay.

I do have an interest in this as I am the Distributor for CEC in the Americas/


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