@filipm I am not convinced you have a broken or poorly designed phono stage.
Recap of the evidence so far:
1. You have a predominant 50hz hum in the noise as was analyzed previously.
2. Both the EAR and the ARC LS16 exhibit this noise in your apartment
3. Both the EAR and the ARC have three prong power inlets
4. The EAR routs its ground through the third pin of the power inlet as confirmed by your connectivity test. Presumably the ARC does as well. My Herron tube based preamp, and my Bottlehead tube headphone amp do this as well.
5. The EAR does not exhibit the noise when used in another location (when plugged into a power outlet not in your apartment)
6. The shorting plugs did not reduce the noise
7. Grabbing/touching the cables affected the noise
8. The troubleshooting guide I linked, Bottlehead's trouble shooting guide, and @hagtech 's guide all suggest a 50/60 hz hum/noise is a lifted ground
This evidence suggests you have a lifted ground, possibly either in your power strip, or in your apartment outlets. Assuming the LS16 is not broken or poorly designed, and exhibits the noise too suggests that the EAR may not be broken. That would not make your EAR broken or poorly designed, just not being used as specified (with a good connection to ground).