Yamaha T-2 tuner lamp replacement

I just bought a used Yamaha T-2. Just got it yesterday but it seems like a great tuner.

The lights/lamps that light up the tuning dial and meters are burned out. I have not opened the cover to take a look but does anyone have any idea if these are user servicable and where I might buy the necessary lights?
If you have the guts to open it up, I probably have the bulb for the cost of shipping only($1). What can you hurt by unplugging it and taking a look inside?
Be Brave & open it . You'll probably need a screw driver. Go to RADIO SHACK with the bulbs- You just might find them there....good luck
I replaced mine with units from Radio Shack. Some of the screws are secured with Loctite. You may have to use a bit of force