Class D Amplification Announcement

After 60 some odd years of disappointment, Class D has finally arrived. As per The Absolute Sound’s Jonathan Valin, the Borrenson-designed Aavik P-580 amp “is the first Class D amplifier I can recommend without the usual reservations. …the P-580 does not have the usual digital-like upper-mid/lower-treble glare or brick wall-like top-octave cut-off that Class D amps of the past have evinced.”

Past designers of Class D and audiophiles, rejoice; Michael Borrenson has finally realized the potential of Class D.


The recent PNW Audiofest Show was lightly attended. I took advantage

of the downtime and spoke with Michael Borresen at length. He was very proud

of his new 200wpc class A amp. No Heat. $70k. When I asked how this could be

he said it was all about the parts used and attention to detail in the build. He holds

a patent on the only speaker using no iron. At $30k they don't come cheap.

JV is confusing Class D amps with poor digital playback (usual digital-like upper-mid/lower-treble glare). Overall, Class D amps don’t sound like that, to the contrary, they are flat and artificially smooth, and unresolving.

anyone that's dumb enough to pay $40,000 for a piece of wire has got more money than brains it's a piece of wire LOL.

Good news about Class D as I no longer have to suffer through endless sessions thinking my Pass XA-25 sounds so good while getting hot and all Class A...I can just get rid of what I thought were beautiful tubes and amps (including guitar amps) and just relax into some D. I already have a Class D bass amp so I'm on my way!