Zu Defintion 1.5 vs Def IV

very quick electrical surges due to hurricane Sandy blew one of my sub amps. Now, I'm reconsidering the IVs or having Zu replace the blown amp. Is the upgrade to the IVs worth the $$? Any Zu owner that can site specific differences, kudos, etc? Bass as prodigious as earler Defs? The whole nine if you could. If it be easier a call would be very cool. 516-316-3311...Phil, you were responsible for my Def 1.5 purchase. Please give me another shout. thanks in advance.
That is quite a space you got there. What AD issue was your crib in? I'd like to check it out. I've been AD for 20 years. Also, when you're in the sweet seat, (I don't know what your listening pleasure is, but since you're a tube guy?) how does jazz,classical etc. sound?
It was first published in the Feb 1996 issue of AD. I listen to classical (from Renaissance polyphony to modern symphonies, chamber and large scale works for chorus and orchestra, just not much opera), jazz, female vocals, classical and alternative rock, etc. Basically everything. Good recordings sound good. Bad recordings get trashed. I use tubes with the Def 4s because they sound great together (especially the Takatsuki 300b), but SS with the Celestion SL-700s in my bedroom.
So, as I read you, when you you're in the sweet spot,your rig delivers intimate, revealing and sweet sound in that huge volume of air you got there? I'm thinking jazz plus Ella, Sarah, Anita and the like?
veddy good. I can't wait. Knowing Zu this may be a very long while. What did F Scott Peck say?--"delay your gratification....