Genesis - a new loudspeaker

Are they up there with the Wilsons, Magicos, Nolans and YGS these days?
are you high again?? nothing new and the column speaker just a copy of 1980's polk audio..You must be new to audio world holy grail you tolking dude
Mountain-high, Have you actually heard these speakers? They have nothing in common with those Polk speakers except maybe the shape.

I have heard the 2.2jr's and they are very good. Very transparent and musical with the right upstream equipment.
Bassraptor, They are every bit as relevant as the brands you named. It will come down to personal taste and room requirements.
Mountain High,

Are you serious in the Genesis as a "copy" of Polk Audio speakers. The 1.2, 200 series and 300 series are and were state of the art systems. If anyone is tolking something, it is you. Please go troll somewhere else if you have nothing to add to the conversation.

On another note, it is great that someone has kept the Genesis line alive in these tough times. I hope they do well.

I heard these at the show in manhattan playing burmester electronics. The sound was nothing short of fantastic. My home system is MBL 111e playing atma sphere electronics, but it did not compare to the Genesis system in dynamics and effortless sound. Far better than the YGs IMO. If you have the space and can afford the speakers and amplification they need it should be no question. I did not hear bass heavy music in the room and this may have been by design, but such bass as needed was clean and tight. Worth traveling to hear them.