Is blasphemous Music ok?



@thecarpathian People were referencing Zappa.

”If God made us in his image he must be kinda dumb and a little ugly on the side.”

”Who Needs the Peace Corps?” - “Oh, my hair’s getting good in the back!”

@tylermunns: Another great post! That quote is of course taken from a song on The Mothers Of Invention's We're Only In It For The Money album, and is a joke line my friends and I used for years.

As for Zappa, he apparently didn't know the "In his image" line refers to God's capacity for and basic nature of unconditional love for humanity, a sentiment not shared by Mr. Zappa. I have always found Zappa to be a rather smug sob, and his attempts as humour far too obvious. Give me Dan Hicks, Randy Newman, and Loudon Wainwright any day! Better music too, imo.

@bdp24 Danke.

I think Frank is often hilarious.

I also wish our youngsters took after someone like him who fought for free speech.

You know, actual activism.

In lieu of filing a complaint with the ADA, pressuring local businesses/institutions to make their buildings ADA-compliant, volunteering for Special Olympics, etc., youngsters feel they are an “activist” for the fight against ableism when they pressure artists to censor themselves and literally change their own lyrics (Lizzo, Beyoncé just this last month) from their mom’s basement via Twitter and Facebook, Cheetos residue caking their fingers and keyboard, because the songs contained the word, “spazz.”

Not only is THIS their form of “activism,” not only does it not actually improve the lives of people with disabilities (where fighting to make it so disabled folks can actually go places in the world without inordinate difficulty - if they can attend an event at all - via ADA-complaint buildings would very much improve their lives in very real day-to-day ways) but it actively erodes our sacred free speech.

Frank actually committed himself to actual activism, helped keep America free, helped all these youngsters in the future be able to enjoy free speech.

I could only imagine the level of condemnation he would receive these days, how vociferous the call to silence him would be.


Good points @tylermunns. I am able to separate an artists art from any cultural/activist activities in which they participate. I approved of John Lennon’s work in the latter, but found his solo artistic work unlistenable (yes, I realize that is a minority opinion.).

I have long felt the same way about Joan Baez, until very recently finding her voice not to my liking (not a fan of excessive vibrato in singing). That changed when I happened upon her recording of Dylan’s "Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands", which is magnificent.

@bdp24 ”excessive vibrato singing.”  Yup.  Pretty much sums up how I’ve always felt about Joan Baez.  A maudlin, namby-pamby overall tone and vibe, one that was a certain exploitation of a ‘60s trend hasn’t helped me like her much, either.

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