Comment about SS and Tubes

For the people who have followed by two and only two posts: you know I have all Cary Audio: SLP-05 pre and 805AE mains. I also have the 200.2. I had never used the 200.2 until recently. Front end are Totem Winds and Totem Mani 2 - alternating depending on my mood.

In my first post, several pro SS people recommended I boost my power and go SS. That got me to thinking???

I hefted that big old 200.2 up to my music room and hooked it up to the Balanced outputs of the SLP-05. Kept the RCA outputs going to the 805’s.

I listen to JAZZ so I don’t necessarily need loud. But sometimes I want loud.

Power is good. After a few albums and a bit of streaming I do concede, Power is good. I didn’t realize how good my speakers were until I pushed them. Bass I never knew. And the whole spectrum was astonishing.

On some albums I like the subtle refinement of the tubes. They are awesome to hear. But I am a convert. I do like the watts. My Cary Audio 200.2 is going to get broken in finally,


Are you bi-amping then? Using the 805AE for mids-highs and the 200.2 for bass? Or did you unseat the 805AE?

I’ve owned the SLP-05 with ultimate upgrades as well as very heavily modified and upgraded 805AE so I know the benefits and challenges of both. 

more power in a system needing it isn’t just about playing loud

it is about the effortlessness in presentation at all volumes, and then, the ability to effortlessly expand loudness, handle dynamics, keep transients pure clean and resolving

the above is true only, of course, if the more powerful amp is of high quality and well matched to the load it is handling

@cinqcepages -

      Two questions, in order of importance:

            Know a good carpenter?

            How big is your room?

     You have the makings of an excellent, actively bi-amped, sub-woofed system.

     There are a number of ways to do that effectively/with great results.

@blisshifi No, I have one amp off when I use the other. The Winds are on the 200.2 and the Mani 2 are on the 805's

can I bi-amp with that combination? I would love to, I just thought both amps had to be identical.....

@jjss49 I know I am saying loud. And you are absolutely correct. But the richness and deeper (and rich) bass was a "wow" moment for me. I truly underestimated my Totem Winds.