2012 Jazz cd compilation: Down Beat magazine

The annual Down Beat magazine "best cds of 2012" issue is now on the stands. I enjoy reading it to see what I might have missed (and buy them!). For the Jazz music lovers!
Rpeluso, most of the CD's I detest were recommended by Stereophile, and they had the most glowing reviews. We bought when we didn't have the option of hearing the music first. I have other CD's I don't like by my favorite artists. The only way "you", can make the right decision for you, is to hear the music first.
Raks: You might want to check out bandcamp. They have a fair amount of jazz on their site and you can listen to a full album (if you have the patience). Snippets are better than nothing but sometimes leave something to be desired (IMO).

Also, you can download in FLAC format (added benefit).