Cambridge Audio 840C

I'm looking for a near-reference audio-only balanced CD Player. I briefly listened to the 840C in a store demo. and it sounded very good, but unfortunately I couldn't compare it to anything. Has anyone had a chance to compare the 840C to a good balanced CD Player such as the Esoteric SA-60 or SA-10, Ayre C-5xe or CX-7 or Krell SACD Standard?
I have since sold the 840c because I had an opportunity to try an Oracle CD1000 transport over the holidays that I just fell in love with. Please note that it's MLP is 3 times that of the 840c.

Wow the transport looks great. What are you doing for a DAC? I see Oracle offer the DAC1000 which includes a pre-amp.
Kiwi, I've got a modded Tact 2.0s which has a modded DAC as well. The room correction of the Tact has done wonders for my listening room (which doubles as our living room hence no room treatments allowed ;-).

The 840c as a transport into the Tact was very, very good. The Oracle, beyond just being a gorgeous piece of equipment, added a level of body and depth to voices and instruments that I just couldn't resist.
02-25-08: Mdconnelly
Kiwi, I've got a modded Tact 2.0s which has a modded DAC as well. The room correction of the Tact has done wonders for my listening room (which doubles as our living room hence no room treatments allowed ;-).

Thanks for the update - enjoy the Oracle
I am using a Nordost Shiva currently. I find it a revealing mains cable, but it can sound thin at times depending on material. I would love some other recommendations from people with first hand experience. I just bought (on backorder right now) a Bryston BDP-1 and plan to run it through the 840C's coax input. Any thoughts or recommendations are appreciated.
Hi Bavarian,

I tried both the Shiva and Vishnu with my 840C. The Vishnu was far better. In comparison with the Shiva it added some meat to the bones of the music. I agree that the Shiva whilst revealing is also thin.