Need help on a new CD/SACD player

My Marantz SA15 died. The transport/laser part is unavailable. So I need a new unit. Considering the Arcam CDS50 or going with Cambridge CX transport and DAC. I am new to streaming so forgive the ignorance. 1200+ CDs so not ready to go full streaming but it might be a nice addition.

My system is all tube and I have a Michell Gyro dec for analog.

Any suggestions?
I think I am going with a used Naim player and a Bluesound node.

Thank you to everyone on the forum for the great suggestions (as always).

if I can find a transport for the Marantz, it will be for sale here soon.

I am an owner of a Marantz SA8001, and I am very interested in Arcam CDS50, do you know if this unit works only as CD/SACD transport?



Did you find a replacement Laser for your Marantz ?

If so, where did you purchase ?


Happy Listening!