Upgrading from NAD 521bee--need soundstage

I have a modest system in a small room and am upgrading my cd player. I am looking for improving soundstaging and for a more precise placement of instruments therein. I have a NAD 352 integrated amp driving Tetra 120u monitors (simple and fantastic!). Bedrock cables and lead-shot weighted Sanus stands. Hero interconnects.

I am thinking a used Arcam fmj23 or fmj33, but as I get up to $800-$1000 I start wondering about the new Rega Apollo or the new Marantz 8001.

Thx in advance.
Hi Reubent,

I have the Oppo 970HD. I gave it to my son to use in his system and he is mainly concerned with its video performance, which is quite good.

I don't doubt that you are getting excellent performance from your modded unit and the Oppo's ability to play just about any disc format is a nice plus. My main reservation is spending $800 to mod a $150 player. To some, like yourself, the resulting performance will make the expense worthwhile. I just think that one needs to take a step back and consider whether or not putting a Ferrari race motor into a VW Bug is the best way to go.

In many systems, I believe you'd be hard pressed to hear a significant difference between the modified Oppo and a stock Rega Apollo. However, I haven't made the comparison, so that's simply my best guess.

Obviously the Redbook CD format has limited resolution to begin with, so my feeling is that claiming any huge performance differences between competent players is merely hyperbole and probably a moot point. Personal preference and system synergy will determine which CD playback unit a particular individual will prefer. In my estimation the overall quality of the system that the player is hooked up to will matter much more than any perceived performance differences in the CD players themselves. And this is coming from someone who has tried a lot of different DACs and CD players in his system. Yes they all sound different, but more often than not picking one unit over another hinges on accepting certain trade-offs and one's listening priorities. I can distinctly recall preferring a particular player for it's stringed instrument reproduction and a different unit for reproduction of brass instruments. Additionally, the bass and high frequency performance of each unit was slightly different... and so it goes...

I absolutely understand your reservations about spending so much for any mod'd unit. It is a value decision every perspective buyer will need to make.

For me it was a gamble I don't usually accept. I'm frugal to a fault and typically wouldn't buy an unknown quantity like this particular player. But I saw one here on A-goN for a decent price and jumped on it. I couldn't be happier with the sonics (yes, 1/4" aluminum panels would have been preferred).


I think your reasoning is sound and you are looking at some of the best suspects in your stated price range. I do not agree with Mechans comments in these ways: 1) I own a Music Hall CD 25.2 (stock) and an Arcam CD23. They are not in the same league. The Arcam is in my main rig and the MH is in the BR which is not about to change. His description of the Arcam does not match my ears or experience. The Arcam is the most analogue sounding player I have heard in your price range and I feel it has a very good soundstage. I had already switched to a tubed pre when I got the Arcam (which replaced an Audio Alchemy player, DAC and DTI setup). I understand from others the Arcam may be a bit bright and forward in an all SS setup. I just do not hear the digital glare with the Arcam that I do with the Music Hall (my BR system is all tube seperates except the CD player so yes the glare is from the MH). I have not heard an Apollo, which I would love to AB against the Arcam or hear from those who have. I have heard the Arcam vs the much more expensive T+A player in my system which was better but at 4x to 5x the price.

2) In my experience again when I went from a SS pre to a tubed pre and this made a huge difference in the soundstage, width and depth. Prior to that I had upgraded my speaker cables and interconnects which also improved soundstage. I have changed in a tube amp to my system but there was no real difference in soundstage. The power amp going tube from SS would be one of the last things I would be looking for help with sounstage, unless you are going way up in quality and money. BTW, I have also have had a Denon 2910 and a 3910 in my main system as well. Neither sound better to me than the Arcam. FWIW, YMMV.

Another consideration might be a good used 2910 with a used Bel Canto DAC2-probably $1000 to $1100 for both. Both are good values right now on the used market.