Ckearthink is a little cloudy today. We don’t use inverters because the US AC is so bad.....all AC is bad....anywhere in the world. Inverters in Switzerland will make the same SONIC improvement. We use inverters because is sounds better. We use Puritan line filters because it sounds better.....we use separate filtered ground rod and grounding for our stereo because it sounds better......this is the reason to be an continuously enjoy making our stereos sound more and more alive and therefore we FEEL more alive.
You only need as much battery as you need. I am running my whole system on a 33 amp hour battery. However, my current draw with my CD transport, DAC and amp is only 45 I get a few hours of liitsening before I need to charge.....However, it is not known what batteries do to the sound and how much battery sounds best.....this is a new game.....only a few are currently playing. Do LIfePo4 batteries sound better than AGM? If you use more battery than you need will it sound better as more batteries equals lower impedance from the battery? And since all inverters will sound different.....which brand sounds the best? And does a 2200 watt Giandel sound the same as the 5000 watter? NO ONE KNOWS any of this until more experiments are done. If you go to Audio Asylum on the tweaks forum you will see a thread I started about inverters. One guy bought the Giandel 5000 and is enjoying it. He has multiple class A amps so he wanted lots of battery. He ended up buying 2 200 amp hour AGM batteries.....AGM batteries cost half as much.....however, they last less than half as long......and a 200 amp hour AGM battery weighs 125lb.......A 200 amp hour LifePo4 battery weighs less than 50 lbs. So, if he bought LifePo4 batteries would it sound better? It will certainly be better on his back.
I I had the money i would buy the 5000 watt Giandel ($900) and a single 100 amp hour LIfePo4 battery ($400 and weighs 25 lbs.)......I am going to talk to the owner of the property here and see if I can install my own ground rod right outside my studio. By the way, a fully charged 12V battery is actually 12.6 volts or more. This is why a 200 amp hour batterey is rated at 2500 amp hours (12.6 X 200 = 2520). So a single 100 amp hour battery is 1260 watt hours.
When using you don’t get all the watt do not want to go below 10% charge on the low side for longest life. It is best to consider 80% when using. So if you have 5000 amp hours of battery.....think 4000 watts of actual use.