Amps for B&W 805 Diamond: Rogue Audio or Krell, Pass labs, ML, Accuphase

I had 2 choices for my B&W 805 D2 speakers: 

- Rogue Audio Medusa

- Krell KSA 100s

Also I was advised for Pass Labs X150, ML 252, Accuphase 530. Could you help to advise which one will be best suited for the speakers. Thx so much.


Have to disagree with @soix here. 
The Pass Labs XA series is more refined than the X series. Let’s not confuse refined treble with softness. I’ve owned both X and XA. There is no softness in the treble region with the XA30.8. It breathes life, details and tons of air into the music. The midrange on the XA is absolutely clear with zero glare. Bass is big, deep and plush. A welcome trait for the 805D. 
At the end of the day, you can’t go wrong with either the X or XA series. Pass amps kick butt with B&Ws. 
McIntosh newest stuff should work well too. Their new integrated amps are very good. 



The Accuphase would make a very nice match. Good advice above as well.


Happy Listening!

I completely defer to @audphile1 as nothing beats actual personal experience, and I stand corrected. 

@soix 👍 

Something else to add…

One downside with Pass labs gear, if you can consider it so, is the fact that it takes about an hour minimum for their components to warm up and perform at their peak. It isn’t exclusive to pass however in the case of XA with pure Class A operation you’re looking at 380w power consumption at idle. I never measured how much the XA30.8 amp actually pulls from the wall during normal listening but I’m pretty sure it isn’t shy. If that’s a concern then opt for Class A/B X series. Slightly more efficient. As far as heat, the XA gets warm but won’t be a space heater. It’s more than tolerable. Hope this additional information helps as well. 

@audphile1 If it takes 1 hour to warm up a class A Pass Lab amplifier so it will be a problem for many persons. This issue only happens with Pass or for any other class A of other brands?

@buckheadmac Yeah, I know the MA252 is very good but it is only 100W. Is it enough for 805 Diamond? Normally I see people use 150W or more amplifier?

@jafant which one would u suggest. E530, E550, etc..? I know that Accuphase sound very good but I'm only afraid that Accuphase is hard to bring the liveliness and joyful of the song to us