Bryston amps VS the rest... too clear and neutral?

Ok right now i am on the market for an amp..
need something in the 100W+ range stereo..
My speakers are Mirage OM-9 wich i really love!
( really nice in my small room because of small reverb times so it increases the volume and the presence alot with their bipolar setup!:)

Everytime i listened to mirage amps ( mostly 3b or 4B + )
i was really impressed by the clarity of the sound and the really nice neutral tonality of thoose amps.
Is it me or the Bryston are really neurtral amps that reproduce the sound really close to how it was input?
( like cheap records really sound cheap and everything sounds clear )

So i was asking myself is it is really good for a music used amplifier to sound almost perfectly the same as the input signal ? I mean, theorically this is what we are loking for right? but then, does it makes some music "hard" to listen to ? or gives fatigue quite fast on long listening periods?

So how does Bryston compares to most other high quality amps?
SS and tubes...

The only time i've been listening to other high end sutff is at the Montreal's Sound and image show and they all use different sources or's so mixed up that you can't really put characteristics on any part of the systems but rather have to qualify to the complete system.

I've heard some $$ Logan sounds like crap on Classe amps because the source ( i think ) was really bad..
So it's pretty hard not having auditionned with a fixed system any or almost no other god amplifier brands to decide on wich path to go!

i hope that some of you have any input on that :)
thanks! :)


PS... i'm not even sure how my Mirage sounds since i didn't even try them on more than 2 amps ( yamaha and old akai :p )

I happen to own a 28 year old bryston 4B Amp and I  its only owner. The only thing I have had done was had it refurbished by bryston 4 years ago and they charge $500 to do it and warrantee  it for 2 years to the owner atthe time only. I just upgraded my speakers from a pair of ADS L8E that finally wore out after having them for 32 years with a pair of dynaudio Special Fortys and upgraded my Preamp from a NAD1130 to a rogue audio RP7 and I will tell you the sound just went from ok where I was considering changing my amp to incredible brystons are are great amp but tend to be nutreal but when paired with the right preamp and speakers they can sound really good and I don't have a ST or SST if I where to up grade my amp I would go with a tube amp to mate with the tube preamp I have. Also the quality of your interconnects and your speaker wire will also have an effect on how everything sounds.As others have said it is all preference we all hear music differently I prefer a warm natural organic sound and other don't like it. I have $40,000 tied up in my system  some say I am crazy and others don't. So the older bryston 4b amps are very good and I have had mine now 28 years and still going . Good luck in your search h. Please feel free to email me direct on the thread MAL11963.

BRYSTONs are just fine : they are built to a very high standard and they simply pass through what is fed to them, with a minimal amount of further bespoke sonic signature colouration.

But like every other contender and pretender amp out there, they may not be a suitable match with the rest your system, as you search for that ethereal system synergy. ( ,,,, and that is all bits including your upstream source, your cables, and your downstream speakers …. Each with its own bespoke sonic signature forming part of your unique system sonic alchemy…) All the personal  prior post characterizations with wide experience variances metaphors of “thin” vs “(insert your own) “ simply reflects and validates this. 

if you are still married to your current speakers, then choose wisely, starting with doing your research, and then experiment with personal auditions to sort out the contenders from the pretenders.

afterwards, you may eventually reevaluate what’s what in total , and actually consider moving on from your current speakers …. This is a journey and no quick fix one-size-fits- all exercise.


This post is 20 years old — just sayin’ — but anyway, @mal11963 as you’ve found with speakers and preamps audio has advanced quite a bit over the past 30 years and that certainly includes Bryston. You could probably make a firm $2000 bid on this nice 4B SST and very likely experience yet another significant improvement on the relative cheap.

Personally, I’d snatch up this upgraded McCormack DNA-1 for $2295 as I think it would do magical things in your excellent system, and if desired you could send it back to SMcAudio and add a Gravity Base for $700 (and possibly other upgrades if desired) and up the performance even more for not much $$$. But that’s me. Just another option to ponder, and BTW not sure you need a tube amp as many people are very happy pairing a good solid state amp with a tube pre and not have to bother with having to deal with or replace potentially expensive tubes. Anyway, FWIW…