Ddafoe, yes you are correct they run very cool. I wasn’t that surprised by that. As Class D do run cool. Hence the reason I got them. It was a choice of Pass XA 30.8 or the XA 60.8, or Atma-Sphere Class D for summer listening. The Prototypes I had heard a few years back were pretty good. No way close to as good as these. So the apprehension was there. I looked for reviews from owners and such. Then thought Ralph’s been a very straight honest person. And I feel he down plays his own gear some. So I took the chance. Besides $5400 for a great amps these days is cheap as hell considering what others cost. I suspect what I am going to find is these amps outperform many other amps costing much much more. Regardless Class D, SS or Tube. I am not looking for a certain type. I am looking for excellence . So if the Pass outperforms the Atma-Sphere Class D, or any other can within in my price range I am willing to spend…… That’s what I’ll end up with. I have a budget of $15,000 with selling my other amps and such. So at the end of the day. The best amp under $15,000 wins. As long as it’s not a room heater. With having a super insulated house that’s a concern. My MA-1’s I’ll keep for winter listening. As they aren’t going anywhere.