Having a lot of problems aligning Qobuz

Thanks everyone as usual. Everyone, especially Charles1 DAD for his help and UN wavering support for the Project RS2T transport, of which i have had 2 bad units in a row. I tried a third, and so far so good. The sound is just exquisite, don't know how else to say it.

     However, Today I need some help with Qobuz. I still have and plan to keep Amazon HD. It sounds great and is easy to NAVIGATE!!!!!  However, Qobuz sounds better by a fair margin. BUT, Is terrible to NAVIGATE. 

Amazon for those that don't have it. Very easy to download a album or song. It appears alphabetically and lists all your songs. There is a show more songs icon. When clicked it shows a TON more songs by the Artist. Then you Exit and choose another Artist  alphabetically.  I don't seem to be able to duplicated the same method with Qobuz.  I have play lists that are not alphabetic, and kind of a grab bag of how you get it. I went to Artists and some appeared to be there alphabetically, and was GREAT. But, cant seem to get all my other groups to follow suit.  Mat have listed them else ware.   CAN anyone help me with a simple way to download songs, that makes it easy to Navigate. I would really like to keep Qobuz, especially after paying a whole year already. I have a windows based computer that I use, Hardwired and Ethernet  ready, Windows 10.  Not a computer wizard by any stretch, be gentle.   Step by step,  would be much appreciated.  There has to be an easier way.  Thanks for any help, very frustrated now. Have a great weekend all. Robert TN


You might want to rephrase your question. I don’t understand what you’re trying to do - Qobuz doesn't require "aligning" and I have no issues with playlists in Qobuz.

i have a qobuz moving coil cartridge, could someone help me align it?

does yip @ mint sell a tool for this? 😂

sorry, could not resist

May have not said it to clearly. To be more specific: For example if I download several songs or albums of AC/DC at different times, they all go to different locations.  I want them to all be in one location, regardless of when downloaded. They Should all be under Ac/DC icon alphabetically. That's how Amazon does it, works easily.

It appears that all my downloads were put into a playlist that was created that is not alphabetical organized, how do I move the songs from that playlist  to one that is alphabetically correct, where the  songs are under one icon of that group. When I clicked on the icon that said ARTISTS, 20 or so artists appeared just like I wanted with their respective songs, GREAT.  But, I have about 75 groups/songs that were in the playlist that never made it to ARTIST  page I was earlier mentioning??? I would love to be able to call Qobuz and speak with a human, that could walk me through the procedure. But they offer no human component.  Hope this was a little better description. Thanks