So IMHO, after some in depth listening today so far. I switched back to my MA-1’s. I do prefer the MA-1’s. I like the attack and decay of the MA-1’s better. I like the depth and fullness of acoustic instruments better. It’s a warmer presentation you’d come to expect from tubes. Although I don’t believe the M-60’s would keep up to the class d. I also believe if someone likes a nice SS Amp like Pass XA 60.8 they may prefer the Class D over the MA-1’s. Also there are a few things that I do like about the Class D over the MA-1’s. To be fair though I rolled a lot of Tubes in my MA-1’s looking for a certain signature. And that’s what I am used to. And the MA-1’s I have are 4 times the cost. So I’d hope they were better.
With that said….. Clarity, neutrality and especially realism is where the class d shines. It definitely stays true to the music, instruments and adds a higher level of micro-details. I hear a few more things in the class d. I am going to roll in some tubes that aren’t as soft and warm in my Ma-1’s. Anyway…. I’ll see what others have to say today and tonight. Hoping a friend can bring over his fully optioned M-60’s soon. I know when I moved up to the MA-1’s it was significant.