I’ve been a 45/46 SET guy for several years now. I’ve been looking for a Class D solution that can approach my experience with the SET amps. I read some of Ralph Karsten's (who I have much respect for) comments re: his Class D monoblocks, I ordered a pair. I waited a little over 3 months to receive them and have now had them in house for about a month. I can’t say they are equal to the 45/46 SETs sonically, but they are the closest that I’ve heard from a solid state amp. Admittedly, I don’t have a lot of reference for that statement, just the best that I have heard.
One additional comment, while waiting for the Atma-Sphere monoblocks to arrive - I purchased an M3a-800S Stereo Class D from a local company D-Sonic. I will say that to my ears, it’s an outstanding amplifier. I haven’t compared it side to side against the Atma-Sphere amps, but it is very close, and at $1500 is a real bargain IMO.
The two amps are playing in different rooms through different systems. I have no idea what the measurements are for these amps, and don’t really care - they both sound really awesome to my old ears and I’m very happy