Power cords or power conditioner

I’m at a cross roads and I’m looking for some advice from those have have gone down this road. I recently added a 2 channel integrated amplifier to improve my 2 channel performance. I had been using my Datasat LS-10 for music and while it sounded really nice, it was missing the depth and clarity that I know my speakers are capable of. My speakers are KEF Reference 3s, rest of my 2 channel set is is as follows:

Luxman L 509x

Luxman D-03x

Roon Nucleus Plus

Lumin U2 Mini

Transparent Audio Super speaker cables

Nordorst Red Dawn XLR, Blue Heaven USB

Wire World Platinum USB

All power cables are DYI using Oyaide Tsunami V2 cable

So what I feel I am missing is that 3D holographic sound stage. It was there with the Luxman 509 when I demo’d it, but I am unable to get that experience at my house. I feel that majority of equipment is up to the task but I am curious if I should ad a top shelf power condtioner like a Shunyata Triton or Torus AVR20 into the system or replace my Intergrated’s power cord with a Shunyata Alpha NC? I’m getting tapped out, so for now it can only be one or the other.

Or should I skip the above and focus on room treatments?


Lol…. I do get a kick out of the audiosciencereview channel.  I find it amusing and utterly useless.  I do agree with Amir’s take on the importance of blind testing though.  Everyone is subject to confirmation bias, to varying degrees.  But nobody today can simply measure what gear will sound good or bad.  And given the small niche of our hobby I have a hunch that developing formulas to calculate performance of audiophile-grade equipment is not really considered a burning problem for humanity to tackle.  I think it’s one notch down from finding the cure for sleep.

@secretguy @jasonbourne52 

"If changing an interconnect or power cord brought a real sonic improvement it would be a wonderful world indeed! Alas ..."

What a wonderful world we live in!

When I was getting back into Audio a few years ago, I purchased a $100 Silnote power cord for a NuForce STA-200. The change was HUGE! My deaf mother and father could have probably heard the difference.

Pass Labs and First Watt includes a very substantial generic power cord with his amplifiers. I have tried various power cords with his amps, some I liked a little better than the included cord and others I did not. In several emails, I attempted to get Nelson Pass to recommend an aftermarket power for his equipment. He has always stated that the cord he sends out is very good, but never indicated that there might be cords that some might like better. Getting into the power cord recommendation business might be a rabbit hole that Nelson does not want to travel.

In my system the BorderPartrol DAC responded quite well to a aftermarket power cord.

From my experience, Horn speakers and single driver speakers are more resolving than other more conventional speakers and tend to reveal changes in cabling more readily.

To disagree with the double naught spy crowd; in a good resolving system it all matters.




Fwiw, you might want to consider adding a subwoofer into your rig. That alone will change the depth and scale of the presentation.