McIntosh C12000

The replacement to the venerable C1100, and what's the difference? Six years and all they can come up with is throwing handles on the front (unfortunate in my opinion as far as their premaps go, leave the handles for the power amps), adding two gain options for phono instead of one, and another tweak whereby you can choose to use solid state or tube output. 6 years and nothing more?

Venting a little bit. It's a shame because I like Mc a ton, but can't believe they made nearly no changes aside from the handles and put out the product. I guess they're saying they got it right the first time, it can't get any better.?

Also, the D1100 digital component...will they be releasing a D12000? I assume so but strange to not release it at the same time.


Seems inexpensive/cheap compared to other 2 chasis preamps. Is this high end?

would prefer a linestage. Ss vs tube feature is cool. 

better choices out there?

I am not interested in vinyl at this point, but want to utilize the tube section of preamp. I am wondering if the hand control supplied with the 12000 will switch between Tube and transistor via flick of a button?