Vandersteen 2WQ

Has anyone had any luck blending the Vandersteen 2WQ sub with any speakers other than the Vandersteen models?
I have a pair of sealed custom made 3 way speakers of approx 97dB efficiency.....and have blended in a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs (one behind each speaker) for the last 4 years.
I found the 'blending' to work well and seamlessly (to my ears)....and far better than the REL Stadium II subwoofer which I had for the previous 10 years.
Initially I used the fixed low-pass filters of 50K on my RCA speaker cables....but have since switched to balanced XLRs using the active MP-5 filters for even better results at 33K.
I can highly recommend the 2Wq Subs (especially in pairs to counter room modes) and would never go back to 'au naturel'.
I heard the 2WQ goes well with Proac and Maggies. I was just curious what other folks have experienced.
i've used them with Revel and Wilson speakers - most seamless integration of any sub i've ever owned (Velodyne, JL Audio). not to mention they are extraordinarily musical.
The 2WQ is a fantastic sounding sub. It is nice to know that it blends so well with many other brands of speakers. I use to own one when I had my 2CEs. That was the best sub I ever heard.
Originally, I added a pair of 2Wqs to my Vandy 1Cs. When I upgraded to Ohm Walsh 2000s a few years back, they blended every bit as well as the 1Cs. I think Vandersteen is telling the truth: If your mains will go down to 40Hz, and you hook the 2Wq up as per the owner's manual, the blend should be seemless. I plunked mine down in the front corners of room, and I get deep, tuneful, controlled, high-impact bass that is anything but one-note. Last year, I upgraded to the MHP-5 battery biased crossovers, and got further improvements in the sound both above and below the crossover range. I think the 2Wq is one of the best bargains in subwoofers.