Ego fighting is not making your stereo better or making anyone else's stereo better or making people feel better......or be more happy. What makes you happy? When you are happy you radiate happiness.....and you also want others to be happy. Do you want me to be happy? If so, then praise and raise me to heaven. I am doing that for all of you right now. You are all are the light of lights.....may you feel loved by the universe.....right now.....for you are.... Every single thing and being in all the known and unknown universe is loving you right this moment. You have never been unloved. Rejoice....celebrate this incredible miraculous moment.....for this very moment is all we have. You are are are incredible!
Share your beauty.....share you knowledge (what you have experienced), share your love....share your magnificience..
There is "what I want" on track......and there is the track of the soul......there is plenty of time to know about an amp......but to live right now in your heart.....well that is precious.......and worthy of eternity.