I know Walter very well and have met David. Stand up guy Walter is 100%. He is no longer at Krell, sadly. I checked out that listing and the MSRP is actually less than the new price of $11,250 each or 22.5k for the pair. I get that you cannot get more than 600wpc with that 575 XD. But do you really NEED more than 600 wpc? At 14K all in for those 575 mono blocks that’s a steal. And I believe warranty is transferrable. Talk to Dennis at Leesburg Listening Room in VA. He’s also a dealer for Bryston and Bricasti. I think he’d tell you that the 575 XD mops the floor with that Bryston unit that puts out 1000 wpc. And I don’t know Bricasti gear at all. It recall him saying it (575 XD) was as good as anything he’d ever hesrd and assume he was including those very pricey Bricasti amps. The M28 are rated @ 400 wpc into 4 ohms and retail for 30,000. They (Krell 575) are likely to sound as good if not somewhat better the No 16 but in all fairness I’ve never heard one. I DO know that Krell is killing it with their 300i. Can’t make them fast enough. And I don’t think ANYONE is making a better multi channel amp than Krell.I have their Chorus 5200 and it’s amazing.
Happy to know you’ve dug the 175 XD. I LOVE my 300XD and will likely hang tight until and when I can HEAR a No 16. That said, if I had the space to accommodate those two mono blocks for only 14K they’d have been bought by now, FOR SURE. It wouldn’t bother me if I subsequently heard the i400 and found that it were perhaps “2%” better or something nominal like that. No way is it gonna sound 10% better, IMHO. Dennis has heard. He could tell you. -:)