Anyone try the Bryston BDP-2 or the BDA-2 Dac

Anyone try the Bryston BDP-2 digital player or the BDA-2 Dac?
I am very interested in both of these units due to there capabilities.
The BDP-2 player is unique in its ability to play from large external hardrives and the BDA-2 Dac is supposed to mate well with the player.
But, I wonder how they compare in sound qualities to my present modified Touch with linear power supply.

Any supporting experience or opinions with these units would be appreciated.
Thanks,Joman and Bhobba for your comments.

Joman, the only Dac I have used thus far has been the Dac inside of my Cary SACD 306 player which I have been very pleased with.

Bhobba, I guess I moved towards trying the Bryston BDA-2 Dac because of the BDP-2 player.
When I read the reviews of the BDP-2 player there seems to be synergy in using both products.
It's all about the "supporting staff" with the Bryston's. I would not consider them "world-class" with stock power cord and fuses. With high caliber PCs, digital cable and IC's, as well as AMR or Synergistic (but not HiFi Tuning or Furutech) fuses, they will SING. Definitely not Bryston-dry (I don't like the "Bryston sound", in fact, and have no other Bryston equipment). Agree with 300+ hours break in, leaving on continuously playing signal.
Tympani, That's very interesting about your comment on the fuses. I have used both HI-FI Tuning and Synergistic fuses. Why do you prefer one over the other?
And can you share with me the fuse sizes and values?
Ozzy, the Hifi Tuning Supreme fuses, althouth nice and airy, give up too much deep bass. This was especially apparent in live recordings with ambient "room rumble" which was lost with the Supremes. It was very noticeable when I switched to the HD P4 power cables, which allow that really deep info to come through. The Furutechs are warm but somewhat thick, and the music gives up some excitement.

The Synergistic fuses are wonderful, but unfortunately every one I've tried in the BDP-2 has "popped" I think the SR's are "over-rated" from a slow-blow standpoint (not soundwise!) because they also pop in my Cary preamp. I suspect their melt time is probably quicker than HiFi Tuning, and can't take the inrush current of the Bryston BDP or Cary.

I would have been stuck putting up with the HiFi's or (God forbid) stock, if I hadn't stumbled on the AMR fuses. At $20 a fuse, these gems are a bargain in this ridiculously priced arena. But the sound is really nice. A bit on the lush side, with full bloom, and wonderful depth. No compromise in detail.

The combination of the HD P4's and the AMR fuses makes the Brystons anything but "dry". I'm not looking to try new gear now, only to listen to more music.

BTW, the resolution of this combo really allows you to hear the difference in fuse orientation. A bit of a pain, but rewarding once you get it right.

The Bryston BDP-2 takes two fuses, a 500mA and 250mA, small size, slow-blow. The BDA-2 takes a single 500mA, small, slow-blow.

Tympani, Thank you again for your response.
I've been told by the Cable company to use a slightly higher fuse value with the Synergistic fuses. Where did you buy the AMR fuses?