Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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Lafayette audio receiver and speakers came first @1974. My journey into the high end followed shortly thereafter when I purchased an SAE 5000 Noise Reduction Unit "click and pop" eliminator from Transcendental Audio in Jamestown NY.

My parents worked for Pioneer in the 70's so my first gear was hand me down from them. The first really audiophile stuff I bought was from 2 places: Vandersteen 2CE from sound by singer back when it was on union square, and a rogue 66 pre with M120 monoblocks from Jon Rutan at Audio connection in Verona. Would still happy buy from either of these places 

For me it was Electronic Specialty in Charleston, WV around 1973.  My dad bought a Sony 6065 receiver, a Dual 1229 and a pair of AR3a's.  I remember that shop being very conservative in their approach to audio leaning very much towards "east coast" sound.  They about blew a gasket when I later wanted to add an equalizer to that system.  We had to specially order it as equalizers went against their philosophy.  I found out later in life they were probably right. That shop also hated rock music, which I was very much into.  There was a competing store Mack and Dave's that was more of a hipper, younger vibe and had Phase Linear, JBL, EPI, Pioneer etc.  Soon after High Fidelity Center opened and offered McIntosh, Nakamichi, Design Acoustics, B&O and Mitsubishi.  I was in heaven! 

I was a regular at Sound by Singer NYC and I use to subscribe to Audiomart classifieds back in the late 80’s.

Audio Visions in Babylon, NY

Really miss that store.

Paradigm speakers, Rotel electronics