Silver Speaker Cables

I would like to try silver speaker cables. I have always been curious as to how they would affect the sound of my system. That said, I have a very limited budget. Is there such a thing as low priced silver cables? If so, recommendations?

Thanks all!


depends what kind of silver you're talking about, ofc silver is nowhere near as good as OCC silver and neotech in their top line they have two cables the Amazon which is all silver in their interconnects and Sahara which is a hybrid copper and silver not cheap though, I prefer the Sahara with the copper silver mix they use rectangular copper which is even better than round OCC.

Hello everybody,

Please, allow me to make a couple of comments.

I admit, I was very negative about importance of cables for a long time. I was in huge conflict with an idea of spending let's say $1,000 on 2m wire. This just did not make any sense to me. Then, praises that Roxy54 made about Chinese-made copies of Odin and Valhalla on another forum triggered interest in me and I decided to spend several hundred dollars and resolve my own dilemma. So I replaced all my interconnects with Odin and my speaker cables with Valhalla. Before this, I used Mapleshade speaker wires, Klyne dragonfly wings, Discovery, Synergistic Research, Monster and inexpensive Kabels I purchased from Amazon. I am not a skeptic anymore - my new system does sound better. Sound is deeper, more detailed, warmer, richer, instruments sound more realistic, there is more space around instruments, stage is more dimensional and focused. I hear sounds that I had never heard before. My music sounds better and more convincing than ever. My interest in my audio system has suddenly increased. 

These cables have made me enjoy music more than before and I am happy I did not spend a huge amount of money to get there. 

I never planned to buy new cables and I was not in a search for new cables. Also, I will never be a customer of Nordost. In conclusion, I admit, I was wrong for more than 30 years - cables do affect sound.



P.S. You can find my system under White room. I changed my e-mail address and I don't know how to make updates now, but my system is till there.

Lectron jh50



@lak and others, if you have any experience to share.

How do the Lavricables compare to Zafino? Specifics, please, and thanks.

I have received several inquiries about which cables exactly I discussed above but my responses clashed with Audiogon policies and I am not sure if the right individuals received my messages so here are the details:

  1. Pair Nordost Odin Supreme Reference Interconnect RCA Audio Cable With Silver Plated RCA Plug. Price: $37.05 per 1.5m
  2. Nordost Valhalla 7N OCC Copper Silver Plated Loudspeaker Cable hifi Flat Speaker Wire with Gold Plated Y Spade Plug Banana Plug. Price: $119.14 per 3m

Both came from Hi Fi Store.

All the best
