Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help

Hello all,

I'd like some suggestions on tweaking my Micro BE monitors. The problem I am having is that the imaging is vague. Voices that should come from the dead center come from the general center area but are not at all "point in space" imaging that I am used to.

My room is 11x12. Speakers are on stands 1.5' away from sides and 2' from front wall. I am using a Cary SLI-80 for amplification.

Aside from this imaging issue, I continue to be very impressed by the Focals. Great speakers that have very many positives.
I also agree with checking phase first. Its a very common mistake when setting up an audio system. Just reverse the speaker cables on 1 of your speakers and then listen to vocals that normally have a center image. You will know immediately if thats your problem.
Thanks for all the phase tips. They are indeed wired correctly. The center image is a real center image, it just does not have that "point in space" definition. It might be the nature of the speakers. I have them toed in so that they cross just at my face. I have had some scary razor sharp imaging speakers before (SF Cremona Auditor M, PSB Imagine B) but the Focals have a different approach. The sound field is very deep (front to back) so I may just be missing a flatter, 2d type of image where everything is easy to locate like on a map.

Thanks for the tips. Michael
Going by the info you list in your post, I don't understand why you're not very good imaging. Your speakers should image at least as well as the other speakers you list. I was almost certain that you had a phase issue. The only other things I can think of is experimenting with speaker placement and trying a different output impedance (if you haven't already). On your amp I think you can pick between 4 and 8 ohms. I would make to try them both. Not only that, you may want to check that one channel is set for 8 ohms and the other 4 ohms.