Well, besides the gain that I know about now and reading on another thread here about it, I believe I found the problem with the testing.
My son and a friend where moving some furniture for me and finally told me they bumped my rack.
found one xlr cable end was messed up at the ps audio output & my coaxial cable from my CD player was screwed up. They got pinched between my stand and the wall and where working intermittently, I believe when the sub was hitting low notes. I was able to finally get down there and shake the cables around and they were definitely causing issues.
I replaced all cables with spares I had and it is sounding better now, back to normal. Stupid coincidence the same time I had the dac 60. I can’t move or check anything because I had rotator cuff surgery three weeks ago. Plus he moved some equipment around for me. So, something happened in that time period.
he’s 17 and I guess was nervous to mention it. So, the dac 60 card will be returning to me by next week. What a mess. It was driving me nuts why everything sounded so off sometimes.
Just thought everyone deserved an update.