"While noise and spuriae are low in this design the ’traditional’ bridged Class D architecture and inductive output filtering retain some drawbacks – output impedance [dashed trace, see Graph, above] rises steeply at HF, as does distortion, while the frequency response varies with speaker load impedance [unloaded/8/4/2/1ohm = grey/black/red/blue/green traces]. Put simply, if the impedance trend of your speakers rises in the treble then the Gran Vivace will likely sound brighter, and vice-versa."
Please notice how your amp has a frequency response which varies with load, unlike the Purifi, which is ruler flat.
Your amp will change character even without changing the loudspeaker!
Of course one must at last choose on one’s opinion of the sound, but for me, I expect an amp at this price range to meet certain objective criteria first and load independence is a important to me as I don’t want an amp with a frequency response/character that varies with changing speaker impedance. This issue was resolved 25 years ago or more in class d design.