Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza

If you look at the construction of an RCA cable it can be very simple or can be very complicated. Eg. Audio quest higher end interconnect cables are extremely creative, the diagram on their website is visually stunning.

Ultimately, Cable design in many cables involves coloring the tonal signature. Cooking a pizza is all about making all the ingredients come together so it tastes amazing. Some do it a lot better than others and Pizza is a lot cheaper.

For cables, There are conductors, drain wires, shielding, Airfilled tubes, different gauges, etc…. Then there’s the copper strands which can be very detailed and numerous and twisted. So much going on.

With pizza you have cheese and sauce and spices and the dough and it’s all mixed together with all kinds of variation. Ultimately the sauce makes or breaks the success of a pizza slice.

With audio cables, hi end Cable designers are endlessly trying different ways to do all this. In the end they find something that sounds kind of nice. They may not know exactly why it does sound the way it does.

So that’s my take on Pizza design and cable design.


@holmz : do all pizzas taste the same to you? Serious question

Wow… just wow.
No, of course they don’t.

But I have now concluded that perhaps you do not consume alcohol.

But I have now concluded that perhaps you do not consume alcohol.

LOL!! That’s exactly what I am doing now my friend. It’s Saturday evening. Am I allowed to? Cheers anyways

Oh, and this exactly what you said:

So yeah they are exactly like a pizza, and everyone claims that their pizzas are the best.

Regardless of what THEY claim, do you have a preference in which pizza you like? Or do they taste the same as long as they measure the same? 🤦‍♂️😂



Sorry, but the farther you get from NYC the worse the pizza (and bagels) gets. Although I do admit having lived in Chicago their deep dish is yummy for what it is, but it’s not real pizza. Ehem. California pizza? Oxymoron. As they say in Brooklyn, fuggetaboudit!

"To the wire fanatics it is a faith-based religion with zero scientific backing. "

     The Church of Denyin'tology holds to the faith-based religion.

     ONLY: well practiced at projection and cognitive dissonance!

     I have Physics/QED (grounded by theory/experiments post 1900) to back what I believe about wires.

     What’s necessary to understand what happens, regarding signals and transmission lines, is an education that extends beyond H.S. STEM courses (if you even have that much, under your collective belts).