NY audio show 2022

This question addressed to audio folks-living close to NYC --- Are you going to audio show NYC September 9-10 , or you think is too small and decided to pass?


i disagree with some statement that grills affect to sound.

@bache I’ll completely defer to you and your considerable expertise, but it really does fly in the face of logic that putting fabric in front of drivers doesn’t affect the sound, especially in the higher frequencies.  I know some manufacturers design their speakers to be used with grills, but they’re in the minority IME.  That said, I noticed no imbalance in the sound of your room, which sounded great BTW especially given the room you had to work with.  Definitely one of the better rooms I heard. 

Me, live a sheltered life? That's the funniest thing I have ever heard. I'm out every day in NYC. Don't tell fictional stories about people you don't know.

Sonner Audio also says that grills have zero effect on sound with their speakers. Q

@robert53 Doesn’t matter where you live.  You still can’t comprehend the difference between what’s reported on the news and the crime RATE.  Get a clue man.  It’s simple math and you clearly don’t get it at all. 

in my experience grilles do affect the sound of speakers, particularly in the treble amplitude and dispersion... to what degree depends on the specifics